Four kilometers to Changi Beach. I was cycling happily en route to Changi Beach, albeit tired, with my friends Jonathan, Elton, Junsheng and Yue Long, along with Primer Zhihong and our Officer-in-Charge Mr. Yuen.
I was enjoying the wind as we sped downhill on our bicycles. Everyone was ahead of me because I was very tired, not to say that they weren't. My stamina prevented my body from performing any more physical activities, but my positive mindset, attitude, and will kept me going, and so did Mr. Yuen's positive reinforcements. 'Mind over matter,' Mr. Tay stated before the adventure began. I've heard that phrase from my mother before, but it wasn't relating to pain; it related to testing me if I could hold my laughter while she tickled me.
As I cycled downhill, I felt an intolerable itch on my right ear. My right hand let go of the grip to scratch my ear. I imagined it wouldn't be so bad because I was used to doing this.
As I proceeded to put back my right hand on the handle, the bike suddenly lost control and it made a sudden right turn, which put me off the pavement and on the grass. Frustrated, I tried to get back on the pavement. I tried to make a left turn in an attempt to get back on track, thinking that I've done it before so I can do it again. The accident took place in the blink of an eye.
With my attempt failing, I launched forward off of my bicycle and hit my upper left tooth. My helmet hit the ground and flew off, because it wasn't strapped on properly. I didn't bother strapping it on because it strangled me. As it flew off, I continued to crash on the ground. I zoned out for a few seconds before I regained consciousness.
I moved my hand away from my face, which was a pathetic attempt to protect my head, I saw something I've never experienced before : blood. I was bleeding, and there was a lot of it. 'I don't believe it,' I thought, and tried to spit to see and saw only more blood. Bright, led liquid dripped from my face. My chin was scraped and I didn't even realized I bit my lower lip, which left a surprisingly gaping hole. I reached for it and it was bleeding badly. My upper left tooth was also chipped. My right palm was wounded and my left knee gashed as well. My left pinky finger was scraped and I obtained a few more minor cuts. I was in a bad condition. Pain was something I couldn't feel then; Either I was used to physical pain, had a high tolerance for physical pain, or the shock was much greater for me to feel any pain.
As I woke from my state of oblivion, I heard my officer stopping the rest of my groupmates. He told me to gargle water to help my bleeding situation. He helped me apply first aid by cleaning my wounds, which was pouring water over my wounds and gently cleaning it with a piece of tissue paper. A Malay couple stopped by to aid us by giving us extra water and tissue paper. Mr. Yuen had already contacted Mr. Tay about my situation, and he was already en route to our location. I sat there, blankly staring into space : why did this happen? How was I so careless? Isn't this supposed to hurt? Then how come I'm not feeling any pain? It seemed as though everything was a blur and I did not understand a speck of detail. All I did was stare into space, shocked. Some people would probably be traumatized by an eye-opening experience like this. Probably most people would, but I wasn't.
Help arrived. Mr. Tay brought me to Loyang Point with Clement, a secondary 2 student junior, to bring me to a clinic. At Raffles Medical Clinic, they cleaned my wounds and sealed my busted lip with cream. The nurse then patched up my knee injury and my right palm gash. Then I was given a medical certificate stating that I was unfit for school.
Now here I am, reflecting on my recent experience and sharing it on my blog, open to all readers. To other cycling enthusiasts, all I can say is to be careful out there, no matter how proficient and experienced you are, because I don't want you to have the same, shocking experience I had.
Written on November 09, 2009
Actual incident occured on November 08, 2009.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Final Fantasy
In the past, I've always been addicted to Square Enix Co.'s (Previously Squaresoft) games especially the Final Fantasy Series. Ever since Square Enix released Dissidia - Final Fantasy, I've been re-hooked. Hahaha. I can't get enough of Final Fantasy. Seriously. I've been re-playing Crisis Core Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy X.
My favorite characters are:
-Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife
Vincent Valentine
Nanaki, also known as Red XIII
Barret Wallace
Ifrit (Summon)
Bahamut ZERO (Summon)
Neo Bahamut (Summon)
Knights of the Round (Summon)
Golden Chocobos (Chocobo)
Black Chocobos (Chocobo)
-Final Fantasy VIII
Squall Leonhart
Zell Dincht
Diablos (Guardian Force, or GF)
Quetzalcotl (Guardian Force)
-Final Fantasy IX
Zidane Tribal
Amarant Coral
-Final Fantasy X
Bahamut (Summon)
Anima (Summon)
Ixion (Summon)
Ifrit (Summon)
- Dissidia Final Fantasy
Squall Leonhart
Cloud Strife
Cecil Harvey
Warrior of Light
Terra Branford
Zidane Tribal
-Crisis Core Final Fantasy
Zack Fair
Genesis Rhapsodos
Angeal Hewley
My favorite characters are:
-Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife
Vincent Valentine
Nanaki, also known as Red XIII
Barret Wallace
Ifrit (Summon)
Bahamut ZERO (Summon)
Neo Bahamut (Summon)
Knights of the Round (Summon)
Golden Chocobos (Chocobo)
Black Chocobos (Chocobo)
-Final Fantasy VIII
Squall Leonhart
Zell Dincht
Diablos (Guardian Force, or GF)
Quetzalcotl (Guardian Force)
-Final Fantasy IX
Zidane Tribal
Amarant Coral
-Final Fantasy X
Bahamut (Summon)
Anima (Summon)
Ixion (Summon)
Ifrit (Summon)
- Dissidia Final Fantasy
Squall Leonhart
Cloud Strife
Cecil Harvey
Warrior of Light
Terra Branford
Zidane Tribal
-Crisis Core Final Fantasy
Zack Fair
Genesis Rhapsodos
Angeal Hewley
Sunday, November 1, 2009
My vids.
Recently I've been making fanvids (fanmade videos) which are AMV (Anime Music Video) using Windows Moviemaker. I've done this before and have uploaded some of it to YouTube. But now, I can't, because YouTube has a new rule that it has to be copyright. How am I supposed to get permission from Square Enix Co. and Linkin Park!? So anyway I'm gonna post it here (because Facebook Videos won't allow it either.) This is purely fanmade. I do not own Final Fantasy - Advent Children. Advent Children belongs to Square Enix Co. The song, New Divide, belongs to Linkin Park, not I. I do not claim ownership over any content in this video. I may be infringing some copyright laws but I cannot stop myself from posting this. It's too awesome not to share. =D.
This is the video I put together. Please forgive me if I cause trouble by infringing some copyright laws.
This is the video I put together. Please forgive me if I cause trouble by infringing some copyright laws.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I love life.
Recently, I met this girl from Denmark via online chats on IMVU. Her name is Tina. She is the prettiest, cutest and nicest girl I've ever met, although I wish I really met her in real life. But she's in Denmark. o.o
We've been chatting for some days now via MSN Messenger's VideoChat.
Oh, and Yes! I didn't fail E-maths after all!
I'm gonna be promoted to Secondary Four Express! Yay!
Oh, and I want to share this great breakfast, lunch or whatever mealtime recipe that I cooked up. Haha. It's very original in my opinion, but someone may have already cooked this before I did. :D
Cheesy Crunchy Corned Beef
Ingredients :
1 can of Corned Beef, or you can also use those that aren't canned
2 cheese squares (or more)
2 eggs
Canola Cooking Oil or Vegetable oil or whatever oil
1 tsp Garlic, chopped (preferably the ones that are already chopped when bought)
2 small onions (chopped, optional)
Frying pan, non-stick preferably
Heat the frying pan and add a small amount of cooking oil, just enough to make sure that the corned beef will not stick to the pan. Add the garlic and the onions. Saute until the onions give a transparent-like coloration. Add the corned beef, and stir every 2-3 minutes. After about 10 minutes, add the eggs and stir again. When the egg white appears cooked, add the cheese squares. Stir until the cheese melts. Let it cook for about 5 minutes then stir thoroughly before serving. Should make about enough for 2-4 persons. Serve while hot. :D
Corned beef, with cheese squares and egg. The egg is stir-fried hence it is not very visible. The cheese has also melted.
Not a very good shot of the corned beef after it has been served. :D. Looks delicious. I'm hungry...
We've been chatting for some days now via MSN Messenger's VideoChat.
Oh, and Yes! I didn't fail E-maths after all!
I'm gonna be promoted to Secondary Four Express! Yay!
Oh, and I want to share this great breakfast, lunch or whatever mealtime recipe that I cooked up. Haha. It's very original in my opinion, but someone may have already cooked this before I did. :D
Cheesy Crunchy Corned Beef
Ingredients :
1 can of Corned Beef, or you can also use those that aren't canned
2 cheese squares (or more)
2 eggs
Canola Cooking Oil or Vegetable oil or whatever oil
1 tsp Garlic, chopped (preferably the ones that are already chopped when bought)
2 small onions (chopped, optional)
Frying pan, non-stick preferably
Heat the frying pan and add a small amount of cooking oil, just enough to make sure that the corned beef will not stick to the pan. Add the garlic and the onions. Saute until the onions give a transparent-like coloration. Add the corned beef, and stir every 2-3 minutes. After about 10 minutes, add the eggs and stir again. When the egg white appears cooked, add the cheese squares. Stir until the cheese melts. Let it cook for about 5 minutes then stir thoroughly before serving. Should make about enough for 2-4 persons. Serve while hot. :D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Army Open House, 2009!!!
The Army Open House 2009 was great! I went there! LOL! Duh!
The photos I took myself using my LGKF700 phone. Haha. :)
The experience of being around tanks and other armored vehicles is awesome, and the feeling of shooting a rifle is even better! I shot an assault rifle manufactured here in Singapore known as Singapore Assault Rifle (SAR) 21. It's an awesome feeling, shooting dummies on board a Bronco (shown above, 4th photo). Yeah, today's a great day. :)!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
September Holidays ftw....
My to do list:
1. Finish Chem Homework
2. Finish Maths Homework
3. Finish Bio Homework
4. Finish English Homework
5. Master my guitar. :)
6. Have a great time!
So much for the holidays! Plus, we need to attend a few holiday classes next week! GREAT!!! So much for the holidays! What! The! Heck!
Anyway, if I'll survive the holidays, I'm gonna do my best for EYE!
Also, I think me and Choon Hui finally made peace. FINALLY!
Haha. That should be about it. :D
Signing off!
1. Finish Chem Homework
2. Finish Maths Homework
3. Finish Bio Homework
4. Finish English Homework
5. Master my guitar. :)
6. Have a great time!
So much for the holidays! Plus, we need to attend a few holiday classes next week! GREAT!!! So much for the holidays! What! The! Heck!
Anyway, if I'll survive the holidays, I'm gonna do my best for EYE!
Also, I think me and Choon Hui finally made peace. FINALLY!
Haha. That should be about it. :D
Signing off!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Moving on up...
Three MAJOR updates, but I decided the title should be about the biggest and most important update.
Minor updates :
1. I've recently been attracted to poetry
2. Drill exam is tomorrow! Oh no! Haha
MAJOR Updates
1. I haven't posted for a while now, so this post itself is the Major Update!
2. Woohoo! Social Status upgraded! I think. Lol. This is the super-duper-awesome update. Haha.
3. New Frienemy : Choon Hui.
Ok, on minor updates...
I've recently been attracted to poetry. I don't know why, but ever since it began raining downpours, I've been wanting to make poetry. About the rain. Haha. I love the rain somehow. And washing dishes. Anything that gets me wet for no reason at all. Taking a bath, swimming, getting wet in the rain...
Here's the poem I wrote:
Bright Shower
Rain, shine, intertwine
Seasons, climates, so sublime
Weather whether day or night
My soul shall start to shine in light
Souls of which, of those who bring
To people, happiness to the brim
And cheer them with a crescent smile
No more forlorn, no more exiled.
Haha. It's not really that nice. It's basically just a bunch of words I thought up and put together so that it will rhyme and have some sort of meaning. Kinda. Did it in three minutes. LOL.
Ok, next minor update.
Drill exams are here. I. Am. So. SCREWED!!! Not that I don't know any of the drills. Just that my uniform is a tad out of order. Will fix it best I can!
Ok. A lot has happened since I last posted. Like, ACES Day is coming, Teacher's Day is coming, Doomsday (EYE) is coming.
Waaaaa! How can the Foreignger keep up with this!?
Social Status moved up. Not that there is a social ladder here in BLSS. Or is there? I don't know. All I know is that I'm becoming more and more friendly. Friends with Justly, Pei Jun, Yan Qi, Haziq... Basically the entire classroom! LOL!
Third Major Update
Choon Hui is being a really immature ass. Plus, his blog contains nothing but vulgarities and scolding people and criticizing them. Come to think of it, when you see it in the right light, he's much much worse than the people he's scolding and criticizing. He's a crybaby and is absolutely impulsive and sensitive to even a joke. He takes it seriously as an insult. Bah. Poor him. His uberTiny brain can't take it. LOL.
Minor updates :
1. I've recently been attracted to poetry
2. Drill exam is tomorrow! Oh no! Haha
MAJOR Updates
1. I haven't posted for a while now, so this post itself is the Major Update!
2. Woohoo! Social Status upgraded! I think. Lol. This is the super-duper-awesome update. Haha.
3. New Frienemy : Choon Hui.
Ok, on minor updates...
I've recently been attracted to poetry. I don't know why, but ever since it began raining downpours, I've been wanting to make poetry. About the rain. Haha. I love the rain somehow. And washing dishes. Anything that gets me wet for no reason at all. Taking a bath, swimming, getting wet in the rain...
Here's the poem I wrote:
Bright Shower
Rain, shine, intertwine
Seasons, climates, so sublime
Weather whether day or night
My soul shall start to shine in light
Souls of which, of those who bring
To people, happiness to the brim
And cheer them with a crescent smile
No more forlorn, no more exiled.
Haha. It's not really that nice. It's basically just a bunch of words I thought up and put together so that it will rhyme and have some sort of meaning. Kinda. Did it in three minutes. LOL.
Ok, next minor update.
Drill exams are here. I. Am. So. SCREWED!!! Not that I don't know any of the drills. Just that my uniform is a tad out of order. Will fix it best I can!
Ok. A lot has happened since I last posted. Like, ACES Day is coming, Teacher's Day is coming, Doomsday (EYE) is coming.
Waaaaa! How can the Foreignger keep up with this!?
Social Status moved up. Not that there is a social ladder here in BLSS. Or is there? I don't know. All I know is that I'm becoming more and more friendly. Friends with Justly, Pei Jun, Yan Qi, Haziq... Basically the entire classroom! LOL!
Third Major Update
Choon Hui is being a really immature ass. Plus, his blog contains nothing but vulgarities and scolding people and criticizing them. Come to think of it, when you see it in the right light, he's much much worse than the people he's scolding and criticizing. He's a crybaby and is absolutely impulsive and sensitive to even a joke. He takes it seriously as an insult. Bah. Poor him. His uberTiny brain can't take it. LOL.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
"Pure Biology students are to stay back after school for supplementary lessons," Said our Biology Teacher. I was like, "Ok, sure"
"Pure Chemistry students are to study and answer these exercises," says our Chemistry teacher. I was like, "Sure, why not"
"Ok, E-Mathematics students are to do their homework pages bla bla bla..." says our Elementary Mathematics teacher. I was like "..."
My classmate says "Hey, tomorrow is our presentation for English." I was like " I KNOW!"
A fellow Boy's Brigade cadet told me "Hey, the parade orders are up on the blog. You should print it out and post it in the Oracle." I was like "Urgh."
Another one of these days and I'm gonna consider saying "I'm outta here!"
LoL. Well, those are some of my problems. In school, that is.
Wish I could finish this all up in time, which I will!
What to type?
typity-typity-type. Lol.
Oh, and I beat my classmate in Tekken 5: Dark Ressurection. Lol. Irrelevant, huh?
I'll just end this for you.
"Pure Chemistry students are to study and answer these exercises," says our Chemistry teacher. I was like, "Sure, why not"
"Ok, E-Mathematics students are to do their homework pages bla bla bla..." says our Elementary Mathematics teacher. I was like "..."
My classmate says "Hey, tomorrow is our presentation for English." I was like " I KNOW!"
A fellow Boy's Brigade cadet told me "Hey, the parade orders are up on the blog. You should print it out and post it in the Oracle." I was like "Urgh."
Another one of these days and I'm gonna consider saying "I'm outta here!"
LoL. Well, those are some of my problems. In school, that is.
Wish I could finish this all up in time, which I will!
What to type?
typity-typity-type. Lol.
Oh, and I beat my classmate in Tekken 5: Dark Ressurection. Lol. Irrelevant, huh?
I'll just end this for you.
Monday, August 10, 2009
This game is unbelievably addicting...
Has anyone ever heard of the game "Monster Hunter Freedom Unite"? Its an absolutely fun and addicting game to play. It is an RPG type of game (I think) where you, a Hunter of Pokke Village must overcome, eliminate or capture various mythological and fictional beasts. Fighting giant primates, going toe-to-toe with dragons and capturing wyverns hardly gives sufficient description to the game.
Shown here is an official wallpaper of the upcoming Monster Hunter 3, currently only available in the Japanese version and playable only on Nintendo Wii. There's a reason to why only Wii, and if you want to find out, go and search Monster Hunter 3 in Wikipedia.
I was first introduced to this game when I saw my friends playing on their PSP's. At first, I thought, "Ok, so its a game where you fight monsters. It's not really that good." Honestly, I thought it was crap. But when my friend gave me a copy of Monster Hunter 2 Freedom Unite on PSP, I was absolutely shocked as to how this game is so perfect in terms of gameplay, graphics and level of difficulty. Then I was all hooked and was all like, "I've got to beat this monster!!!" I usually would spend hours playing this game. It's really that awesome. If there are any Hunters viewing this blog right now, make a comment with your Guild Card Title in my tagboard.
Here's a few details on my progress:
Hunter Rank 3
Current Quest Tier: Nekoht Felyne Elder 7STAR quests
Main - Blue Claw Blade (816 Raw Damage, No Elements)
Sub - Anvil Hammer (884 Raw Damage, No Elements)
Situational - Black Bow I (190 Raw Damage, 120 Dragon Element)
Main - Full Rathalos Soul Armor [Blademaster] (Reckless Abandon +1, Attack Up Med, Earplugs)
Situational - Full Obituary Armor [Gunner] (Evade+1, Abn Attack Up, PoisonCoat Add)
I'm sure that most of you guys who may or may not be reading my blog do not understand what I am talking about. In order for you to absorb the language, you must play the game yourself. It's a really fun and rewarding (in-game rewards, FYI) experience.
On another page, today was a so-so day. My Ninang Athel and Ninong Orwin came to visit. For those who do not know, ninang means godmother and ninong means godfather in English. I'm speaking plain Tagalog by the way. The Foreignger is Filipino if you haven't guessed by now. Which I doubt.
Another thing today; I'm really bored. At times like this I wish we had homework.
But ONLY at times like this.
Signing off.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Something immediately came to my mind.
Highlights. My hair was blood-red during National day with a hint of white. I looked like a Demon yesterday. An awesome Demon. Not Devil. They're different. Anyway, me with flaming blood-red hair and pale white highlights looked awesome. Most girls said that when I asked them, anyway. ROTFLMAO.
Highlights. My hair was blood-red during National day with a hint of white. I looked like a Demon yesterday. An awesome Demon. Not Devil. They're different. Anyway, me with flaming blood-red hair and pale white highlights looked awesome. Most girls said that when I asked them, anyway. ROTFLMAO.
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